速報APP / 工具 / RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG

RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG




版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本


RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG(圖1)-速報App


- Run Time permissions needed.

Now from Android 6.0 on ,users will be asked

to give permissions at run-time.

One permissions will be asked.

Allow the app to access photo,media and files on your device.

This is for access permission to the channels excel-files

and log files on your device.

RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG(圖2)-速報App

Errors on devices with Android 8.0 9.0 should now be corrected.


Problems with Product ID US solved.

V1.7 Product ID's (US,Australia Regions) added

An USB OTG cable is needed to connect your phone or tab to the scanner

Without this cable the App will not function properly.

With the RadioScanUBC125 app you can use your smartphone

or tab to read / write the channel data of your Uniden UBC125XLT scanner.

You can use the RadioScanProUBC125 app for more advanced functions.

RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG(圖3)-速報App

This app can read Excel files (.xls format)

Also the Bearcat button group can be displayed and can be

operated from your phone/tab for real time control functions.

The orange scanner display and the scroll control knob are also shown.

This App has a special search function. On this search screen the found frequency and signal strength of a transmission is displayed for a given start-end frequency during a time frame.

A point is set in a graph for each found transmission, so it's easy to see what are the busiest and quietest frequencies in this band.

The step frequency and squelch can be changed.

A log file is stored in /storage/sdcard0/RadioScan(Pro)/logs

Permission is needed to write and read to the /storage directory when installing this app , it is for writing and reading the table-files and the search log file,this is done in this location , so the user has access to these files.

RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG(圖4)-速報App

An OTG cable is needed to connect your USB device to the scanner.

Device manufacturers can choose whether or not to include OTG USB

in their device ,so check if your device supports it,most devices as of 2013

will do.

You can get this cable for a few bucks at Amazon ,Conrad etc.

It connects your device USB port to the Uniden scanner cable.

In the PRO version more buttons and functions are available.


Morse decode functions are added.

RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG(圖5)-速報App


- PMorse - button decode Morse without a filter.

- GMorse - button decode Morse with 432 Hz filter.


- Bank button added, shows free

channels and go to the chosen


- Help screen

The help screen is not displayed at start-up

RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG(圖6)-速報App

- Hold button (Search screen)

Hold on a current frequency.

- Lock button (Search screen)

It's possible to lock frequencies,a white line indicates the

locked frequency, so it's easier to see which frequencies are

locked,When lock is long-clicked all frequencies will be unlocked.

- Beep button (Search screen)

After each run a beep sound is heard,sound can

be switch on/off with this button.

RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG(圖7)-速報App

- Progress bar (Search screen)

A progress bar is shown below the screen,it will be easier

to see where in the band the scanner is scanning.

- Listen to a frequency. (Search screen)

When the start frequency is the same as the end frequency ,the

scanner is put on hold on this frequency so listening is possible.

- Up button (Search screen)

The frequency is increased with the actual frequency step.

- Down button (Search screen)

RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG(圖8)-速報App

The frequency is decreased with the actual frequency step.

- Listen to the found frequency.(clicked on listview) (Search screen)

First click the STOP button then a long-click on one of the

frequencies the search has found ,now listening to this frequency is possible.

RadioScanUBC125 USB OTG(圖9)-速報App